My Raw Lessons from Queenstown NZ - let me know what you think?

I share 4 actionable steps to help you live an awesome life.

Hey Decision Maker,

Good afternoon from sunny Queenstown, New Zealand.

Look it up online, its beauty precedes my introduction!!

Once again travelling, I’ve got a LOT of lessons for you this week.

There are too many to get into in one newsletter, so let’s just dive right into it.

Queenstown, New Zealand - what a stunner!

FITNESS: Don’t be too rigid (unless you want to fail)

I had a really hectic schedule this week: I flew from KL to Singapore, worked at the airport for the day, flew overnight to Sydney, met up with some mates, and then flew to Queenstown in the afternoon, only to drive another 1 hour to Wanaka (all to attend a wedding!)

Better yet, I got sick just before the flight and had to juggle a few more setbacks.

So how on earth did I keep up my fitness?

Well, I didn’t. And that’s fine. But I definitely did my best.

Here’s how:

  1. I walked as much as possible. You know those moving walkways that help you walk faster at the airports?

    Yeah, don’t use those. Be on time and walk the distance without assistance.

  2. I got off the train a few stops early to walk by the water and to the cafe where I was meeting my friends.

    Much nicer and you at least get some movement into your day.

  3. While in Wanaka (for the wedding) we discovered many ridiculously beautiful mountains to hike.

    So instead of just packing up and moving on to the next hotel, I went with a guy I’d just met and we hiked a bloody mountain.

    Here’s a pic:

Diamond Lake & Rocky Mountain, Wanaka

It took about 3 hours and was definitely a replacement for a regular workout (and more!)

So don’t use travel as an excuse to not stay active.

Choose activities that are fun and challenging. You’ll have a much better time (and stories to tell!)

Actionable step:

I’m sure you have a travel destination you’re either going to next, or is on your bucket list. Look up a physically demanding activity you can do while you’re there and plan it! Book it in or write down in detail, what you’ll do, where you’ll meet and what you’ll bring with you. You’re much more likely to get it DONE.

MINDSET: Simple tip to manage anxiety

This current trip was a bit haphazardly organised (weddings are always difficult) & a lot of it was out of my control.

Some things you can prepare for, others you have to just see what happens when you arrive or go to use the damn thing.

While I love travelling, many things can go wrong.

Most advice tells you not to worry because they probably won’t.

BUT sometimes they DO.

So, I’m getting better at reframing my mind to deal with this reality.

I am a resourceful person

Say it.

Hopefully, it’s as true for you, as it is for me.

I am damn resourceful. There’s probably been 10,000 similar problems in my life that I’ve already solved.

The evidence shows that there is a massive data bank to support my problem-solving abilities.

So why worry?

The worst-case scenario is that things don’t go as intended & you have a chance to use your skills.

And even better, develop new ones.

Every time you execute a new skill, you prove to your brain you handled that particular scenario.

The more problems you solve, the better this mindset works, and the less anxiety you’ll experience.

P.S. Planning & preparation will always be the best way to avoid issues and maximise your life setup & goals. Even if that means planned spontaneity ;)

Actionable step: 

Write down 5 potential issues you were really worried about. How did they end up? Write it down. Well, you didn’t die, so it can’t have been too bad. Realise that you solved the issues and your life is probably no worse now because of it. In fact, it’s almost certainly better.

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MONEY: How to make creating content EASY

I’ll keep banging on about how creating content is the best way to find your purpose and build a meaningful life outside of your 9-5.

Because it is. It’s helped me, and it will help you.

I shifted over to uploading travel vlogs on YouTube for a few reasons.

Firstly, I wanted (& had to) travel, so I had less time to do my regular videos.

This means I should use that time to do the videos I CAN.

Secondly, I wanted to generate an ROI from as much of my time as possible.

This means I needed to find ways to share value from these travel activities.

I’ve managed to do that successfully so far:

This newsletter is written based on ideas and experiences I had over the past few days entirely.

I will release 3-4 vlogs on YouTube based on my memories and raw content filmed on this trip.

I had quite a few well-received picture posts on Facebook and X (as I documented the journey).

I generated well over 20 video, or longer-form post, ideas.

I’ll take hundreds of videos and thousands of pics by the end of it.

Not to mention all the lessons learned along the way.

Everything you do can be repurposed.

Let’s say I take a picture of my dinner:

The Nest, Queenstown

I can write a short post about rewarding yourself, about dining alone, about the atmosphere at nice places, and even about why you should NOT do it.

I can also write a long post or film a video about any of these topics.

You could shoot some quick portrait clips, put them together and post your review on TikTok.

As I mentioned last week, you can write a Google Maps review and post your pic there (& get hundreds of views) in < 1 minute.

It’s endless! So find what content and platforms work for you and do it.

Over time you’ll find what you enjoy & what delivers the most value to your audience.

Actionable step:

Generate 3 pieces of content from the last photo on your camera roll. Keep it super simple and just post whatever comes to your head. E.G. it’s a selfie. Post it on your IG story. Write about how you were feeling (& why) on X. Share your day’s story that led up to it on Linkedin.

RELATIONSHIPS: Meet new people & do good deeds

At the wedding, I met a bunch of cool guys. I didn’t know them but we were mutual friends of the groom.

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