Exclusive announcement: I had TWO life-changing calls

When opportunity knocks, open the door. Here's an important update & lesson.

Hey Explorer,

I’m not sharing this news anywhere else.

Only with you as a loyal reader.

In the past 7 days, I had not one but TWO life-changing conversations (for free).

  • A YouTuber with ~3 million subscribers.

  • A young coach who gifted me business clarity.

Let me tell you about the YouTuber…

He messaged me on Facebook (turns out we knew each other from school!)

I had NO IDEA he was a YouTuber.

But… I’d been watching his faceless videos for the last year.

Little did I know that famous voice was in my Facebook friend list that whole time 🤯

He offered to hop on a call and give me some tips.

Well, he went above and beyond… analysing my channel, brainstorming ideas & doing a deep dive into actionable steps he thinks I should take.

This call would be worth > $1000 but he delivered it for free.

I just had to be open to receiving.

If I never posted about my YouTube journey on Facebook, he never would have known to reach out.

See how powerful that is?

What’s Next?

1) I’m creating a second YouTube channel.

It would be insane to get direct advice from a verified expert and not apply it.

The focus of the main channel will be high-quality lifestyle & travel videos. You subscribed to get videos about Malaysia & lifestyle. Travel & freedom secondly.

By sticking to these topics I should significantly improve the growth of the channel as it’s clear to the audience exactly what they’re signing up to see.

I will completely forget about monetising or helping this audience through paid services until I can find an authentic way to deliver relevant value.

95% of my subscribers did not subscribe for self-improvement. This will be the focus of the second channel with a very clear audience and mission…

P.S. I had another call the week prior with new subscriber David. He’s travelling around Australia right now and has big dreams. This change goes against our initial discussion. If you’re reading this, let’s catch up again soon.

2) MISSION: Help busy men under 30 shred weight & get dates (without sacrificing your authenticity)

The number one takeaway from the business coach (second call) was to be clear on a specific avatar, mechanism and tangible result that delivers a meaningful desire and solves a current pain point.

If you’re aware of the men’s self-improvement space, this means there are only two core desires that get guys to take action:

FIRST: Make more money (power, freedom, confidence)

SECOND: Get more girls (intimacy, relationships, affection)

Trying to sell a ‘mindset’ shift to guys rarely works unless you can tie it to one of the above desires.

Telling a 22-year-old virgin that he should get in the gym to improve his VO2 max so he can run longer, be ‘healthier’ and live longer is not an appealing offer. He doesn’t care.

Telling him he should get in the gym to lose weight and improve his appearance so he can finally develop meaningful connections and intimacy with his ideal woman is much more appealing.

The actual steps, content and advice are exactly the same but the outcome is much more tangible to HIM. Get it?

Jack Alderton | Men’s Lifestyle Coach

Fitness, Mindset, Dating

  • I’m a busy man who’s at the end of my 20s.

  • I know how to get you lean & maximise your appearance.

  • I know how to get you dates with nice women, even if you’re shy or inexperienced.

  • I know the struggle of pretending to be someone you’re not. I learned how to be myself… how to be my BEST self.

If this sounds interesting to you, drop your email here and I’ll send you an exclusive invite when I’ve got everything set up. You can expect free courses & 1:1 opportunities with me.


  • My main channel will post only high-quality lifestyle & travel videos (less frequency)

  • I’m creating a second YouTube channel specifically for self-improvement coaching.

  • I will launch a second Instagram purely for this purpose, to educate and help clients (busy men under 30)

  • This newsletter will retire in its current format.

The Lesson

My message to you is to please be open to serendipity.

Did you know anxiety and excitement are two sides of the same coin?

The only difference is your mindset which is forged through preparation.

You create your own luck by preparing for opportunities.

Opportunities don’t always present themselves as excitement.

Often they deliver pure anxiety.

You’re familiar with the ‘comfort zone’

If it’s out of the ordinary, it’s usually uncomfortable.

And honestly, I think if you’re doing just fine, stay comfortable.

But most of us are not 100% content with our current situation.

You might be confused or struggling to reach your goals.

Don’t complain, it’s an important part of the journey.

So when opportunity knocks, open the door.

It might just be the missing piece you’ve been waiting for.

Want More?

I’ll focus on taking action for the next few weeks so this newsletter will be put on hold while I deliver what I’ve promised myself (and you).

  • Read all of my past emails here with 40+ actionable steps to improve your life.

  • Follow my lifestyle Instagram here for regular updates on what’s happening and my progress.

  • Sign up for exclusive updates about my new content here.

Thank you for reading.

I’ll write to you again when I have a meaningful update,

Jack Alderton

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