Something NEW is coming...

I share 4 actionable steps to help you achieve your potential.

Hey Explorer,

Welcome to the 10th edition.

We’ve grown a lot together over the last few months and I’m so glad you’re improving your life, one actionable step at a time.

Building something you LOVE takes time & this newsletter has been one of those worthy tasks for me.

But it’s time for a change. Moving forward I’ll be reworking the newsletter to be shorter & a more efficient use of both our time.

I have far greater leverage in producing YouTube videos, so that’s where I should spend my time to benefit you most.

Let’s go!

Reading time: ~4.5 minutes

FITNESS: Minimalist workouts are OP

For the first time in my life, I’m seriously considering implementing minimalist workouts.

I’m talking 2 or 3 exercises per session MAXIMUM.

This is an implementation of the 80:20 rule.

In the gym, 20% of exercises will get you 80% of the results.

This idea isn’t new. We know squats, bench & deadlifts are the ‘Big 3’ for a reason.

But these three compound movements probably won’t get you the results we want in terms of injury-free performance & health while maximising our time in other areas of life.

The point is that you can customise this approach to suit your goals.

My focus is now on content and the business to help you. Not trying in vain to be a natural bodybuilder.

So I need to allocate my time accordingly.

A few years back. Can I achieve this again with minimalist workouts? Maybe…

I’m toying with this workout split:

Mon: DB Bench Press, 1km Bike Sprints (x10)
Wed: Pullups, 500m run (x10)
Fri: DB OHP, 2 mins Skipping (x10)
Sat: Squats, DB Row, Pushups (x10)

Simple right?

Actionable step:

Embrace simplicity. Create your own version of my split above and substitute your favourite exercises and cardio!

MINDSET: Read physical books

When was the last time you read a book?

Like a REAL book. With paper and shit.

I hope you can remember… if not, don’t worry - it took me a while too!

I used to read a lot when I was a teenager, maybe you did too.

Before girls & adult commitments came along…

No excuses. Even if you were never a reader we’re now all in the same place.

NOT reading regularly.

So let’s start.

Here’s the last image I could find of me (pretending) to read a book!

If you ask people why they don’t read they’ll usually give one of two reasons (or both):

1. I don’t have time.
2. There are no interesting books.

The first one seems reasonable. The second one is just lazy (& not true).

Here’s how you fix them both NOW:

Actionable step: 

Set 30 minutes a week to read a physical book in your calendar. Sundays are usually pretty good for this. Next, build a reading list. You watch a lot of YouTube, right? Or consume a lot of online media. I bet there are heaps of books that expand on topics you’re interested in. Go through your YouTube watch history and pick out your favourites. Then google “‘topic’ x book” - done!

Want to start your own Newsletter? Start here:

MONEY: Try selling a one-off implementation ‘workshop’

This week someone commented on one of my videos that an implementation workshop would be helpful for them.

They didn’t need a full course, or a 1:1 coaching package with me, they just wanted a one-off implementation solution.

I could definitely do that.

And you could too.

Instead of trying to figure everything out, just find one thing you’re great at.

It could be a topic or skill that your friends or colleagues ask you about regularly.

You absolutely have unique knowledge in your head that you could offer as a one-off implementation.

See the fitness point above ^ after putting yours together, help someone implement a minimalist workout program.

Maybe that’s worth $5 to them. Maybe, it’s worth a lot more.

You don’t know if you don’t try. 

HELP people! Money will come LATER.

Actionable step:

Put together a simple one-off lesson & post on your social media that you’re running a 45-minute implementation session. Charge $1 via Stripe or Paypal. Help everyone who joins as much as you possibly can.

RELATIONSHIPS: What’s the END goal of your romantic relationship?

My thoughts on relationships this week are pretty philosophical.

What’s the purpose of your romantic connections?

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