Your Basic Knowledge is NOT Obvious To Others (here's how to share it)

I share 4 actionable steps to help you achieve your dream life.

Hey Decision Maker,

I’m stuck waiting to board a plane at Sydney airport thanks to a storm rolling through (right on schedule!)

Here’s a quick video of Sydney from the air - beautiful city on its best days:

On the positive side, I have dedicated time to writing this newsletter. SO let’s get into it.

Reading time: ~6 minutes

FITNESS: Do Hill Sprints

If you read last week’s newsletter edition, you learned about how to keep up your fitness while travelling in hotels.

This week I was staying with my mum, in her small apartment. I didn’t have time to find a gym so I made the best ‘Murph’ style workout possible; that I could do outside in less than 30 minutes a day.

Here’s the program:

[ 30 squats, 20 Aussie rows, 20 banded pushups, 100m hill sprint ] x 5 SETS

I managed to complete it this morning in 22 minutes 16 seconds. Not bad!

I haven’t done hill sprints in many, many years but f**k me, they are excellent.

You force knee drive and fast back-side mechanics while you pump your arms to make it up the hill.

You’re working your sprinting form, your cardio and your lower extremities in a way that normal runs never will.

You will max out your heart rate doing this BUT you’re also set up for a nice recovery as you walk back down the hill.

I found this to be an excellent workout that I’ll do whenever I don’t have a gym.

The goal is to beat your time from the last session and keep progressing over time.

You can also use standardised murph-style workouts to test your fitness levels throughout the year.

Here’s me running as a kid:

Need for speed.

Actionable step:

Implement hill sprints into your next outdoor workout. Hit a few sets tomorrow morning. Your body, health & fitness will thank you.

MINDSET: Flip Your Idea of RISK

Just before writing this newsletter, I was posting on LinkedIn.

While I was there, I saw an awesome post from a mental health advocate all about reframing ‘risk’ in your mind. Here it is:

If you’re interested in mental health, you gotta follow Mitch.

I studied a Finance degree. We were taught the academic definition of risk which is essentially a measure of VARIANCE.

It’s the likelihood of a result that differs from the expected outcome.

Obviously, things going better than expected are not ‘bad’ and therefore we wouldn’t usually consider them to be an example of ‘risk.’

This LinkedIn post is really saying a similar thing:

Taking risks in life should only be limited by the chances of an irreversible negative outcome.

Anything else can be reversed, fixed, or considered inconsequential. 

I moved overseas. The chance of it being a disaster was almost zero. 

If I didn’t like it, I could have moved back at any time with little consequence.

Some people would have considered it very risky, but applying the logic above, it really is not.

How can you apply this idea in your life?

Actionable step: 

Write down 5 things you consider to be ‘risky’ - research the chances of an irreversible negative result. I bet it’s lower than you think. This helps reframe your brain to look for opportunities, instead of threats.

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MONEY: Your Basic Knowledge Isn’t Obvious

If you’re reading this, you probably know more than the average person.

You have an internet connection, you have a phone and you’re probably earning at least a decent income (or on the path to it).

This means you’re AHEAD of BILLIONS of people.

You know things that they don’t. You also know things that people ‘ahead’ of you don’t.

If you work a 9-5, I bet you can think of 5 things right now that YOU know more about than your CEO.

Maybe you’re young and great at dating, while your CEO’s been married their whole life.

There’s no judgment on which is better here, but you DO know something they don’t.

You play sport, they don’t.

You read fiction books, they don’t.

You get the idea.

There’s no one else exactly like YOU.

Whatever knowledge seems to be obvious to you, isn’t to billions of other people.

Teach, write, or post about what’s obvious to you.

It’s extremely likely someone out there WILL find it valuable.

Remember, your audience is not everyone. It’s those whom you can genuinely help.

You will never find out by keeping your unique knowledge in your head.

Even if your knowledge isn’t unique, you can present it from your perspective and experiences.

That IS unique. No one else is YOU.

Actionable step:

Write down a simple set of instructions for a basic task you do often in your life. It could be how you make your coffee. Write down the exact steps and post it online, or share it as a quick video. I GUARANTEE someone out there will benefit from it & it will give you confidence to share more of your awesome knowledge.

RELATIONSHIPS: It’s Not Selfish to Set Boundaries

What is ‘setting a boundary’?

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