This is the simple secret to completely shift your life...

I share 1 short lesson to help you transform.

Hey Explorer,

I deliver 1 lesson with 1 actionable step every Saturday.

Lessons are sourced from your requests & questions I receive on my YouTube channel.

Newsletter structure:

  • Subscriber request

  • My thoughts (a short lesson)

  • Actionable step (how to implement)

  • Watch more (a relevant YouTube video)

My mission is to help men transform by exploring the world & sharing my best lessons. You can follow my new Instagram here where I post throughout the week.

Reading time: ~4 minutes

Subscriber Request

Last week Chloe messaged me and suggested I write about this picture:

This social media post is the simple secret to realistically changing your life.

If you keep all else equal, but you pull just one of these levers, your daily experience will significantly change in a year.

Don’t believe me?

Let me tell you a brief story ↓

My Thoughts (a short lesson)

First I want to address the image directly. Why is it so powerful?

It’s because it compresses the power of accumulating marginal gains.

$3,000 as a monetary figure might be a lot to you, or it might be very little.

Either way, this measurement would be one-dimensional.

Money by itself means nothing. A number in your bank account means nothing.

It’s what you can do with it.

It’s the experiences it enables.

It’s the stress it alleviates.

Whether you choose to spend that $3,000 or continue saving it,

YOU created it by delaying gratification.

No matter how you save that $8 a day, it’s surely worth the holiday you can now enjoy.

Or The gift you can get your parents or partner.

Or the capital to start the business you always wanted.

The same applies to reading. 20 pages a day is not life-changing in itself.

To be honest, no one cares that you read.

But maybe it’s the inspiration for your content.

It’s the switch to pursue a new path in life.

It’s the inspired idea that helps you connect with your date.

Following your curiosity by absorbing 30 books a year will compound to create a new reality filled with new opportunities.

The same leverage applied to fitness.

But I want you to think about your health in terms of time.

Accumulating 70 marathons in a year by walking is achievable and valuable in itself.

But the real benefit is time creation. You will live longer.

What’s an extra year of quality life worth?

A fuck-load more than $3,000 (or even a bunch of books!)

Ok, Jack, that’s a good point, but I’m still not convinced how that will ‘completely shift my life’

Well, the real ‘secret’ comes beyond this.

Typically we think in years.

This will be my year!

New year, new me!

Stop that shit.

You might know this successful dude ↓

Alex Hormozi

Measure In Decades Not Days. The key is to have a long-term perspective, measuring progress in decades rather than days.

Alex Hormozi - read more here.

Hormozi thinks in decades.

Not days. Not months. Not years.


$8 a day is about $3,000 a year.

At a 5% real rate of return (8% adjusted for inflation) that is…

~ $36,224 in ONE decade.

~ $95,229 in TWO decades.

~ $191,343 in THREE decades.

That’s a house in most parts of the world.

I will leave you with this ↓

A decade:

A decade:

A decade:

Compounding is the greated force in nature.

Warren Buffett - read more here.

Actionable Step 

Add one small daily habit to your routine and justify what it will do in one week, one month, one year, and one decade.

For example, you will start drinking more water by having 500mls as soon as you wake up every day.

In one week, you’ll have built the habit. In one month your skin will clear up. In one year you’ll be healthier overall, and in one decade you’ll have probably extended your lifespan and taught your good habit to someone else, propagating the impact.

If you need help with this, book a call with me. Let’s talk through it.

Watch More (relevant YouTube lesson)

This video has some crossover with my thoughts above, here’s the synopsis:

One of the reasons you feel lost in life is because you’re not sure of the ONE TASK to do that will help you achieve your goal. Keep it simple! Any goal has a lot of moving parts, but it’s this complexity that overwhelms you and stops you from sometimes even starting:

► If you want to lose weight but struggle to stick to it, you should focus ONLY on getting to the gym, not the intricacies of the perfect routine or diet.

► If you want to be a YouTuber, you should focus ONLY on filming videos, not the specifics of editing, repurposing shorts or hacks to boost views.

► If you want to earn more money at work, you should focus ONLY on completing that one course that would definitely qualify you for the next promotion, not playing BS office politics.

Want More?

  • Read all of my past emails here.

  • Get 1 on 1 guidance from me here.

  • Follow me on my new Instagram here.

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See you next week,

Jack Alderton

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