Are you thinking BIG enough?

I share 4 actionable steps to help you achieve your potential.

Hey Decision Maker,

I want to say thank you.

Thank you for opening this email and choosing to take action to build your dream life.

No one else will do it for you, but I’m here to help.

I truly hope 2024 is going well for you, and if it isn’t, shoot me a reply to this email to get personalised support.

Even if it’s just a quick chat, I’m happy to hop on a call (for free) and help you out.

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Now, let’s get into the actionable steps:

Reading time: ~5 minutes

FITNESS: What to do when you get an injury

Injuries SUCK. If you haven’t had one in your life, you’re ridiculously lucky or more likely, lying.

Here’s a recent tweet I made about my most recent injury and what I encountered throughout 2023:

Would you rather be injured & weak?

Or injured & strong?


No matter your injury, I promise you can train around it ↓

This year I've had 3 major injuries that (seemingly) came from nowhere.

1. My left kneecap (serious tendonitis)

It took 6 months to heal. Solution?

- Train upper body as normal

- Double down on calf/tibialis raises

- Swim instead of run or bike

2. My right shoulder (repeated dislocation)

It took 3 months to heal. Solution?

- Bring my legs back up to scratch (from above ^)

- Take rehab seriously and develop an unbreakable shoulder-strengthening routine

- Implement way more cardio & get proper fit

3. Abdominal hernia (who knows, just got the scans done)

It may require surgery. Solution?

- Floor presses + chest-supported rows

- Static lower body exercises (minimal core used)

- Build bullet-proof shoulders

- Train hard on the bike (minimal core used)

Obviously, try to avoid injuries as much as you can but they do happen (& often when you least expect it).

→ The last thing you want to do is GIVE UP.

^ Now, it turns out the last one wasn’t a hernia (great news). But the point remains. Random shit can happen at any time and you need to be resilient and adaptive enough to work around it.

Actionable step:

Pick a recurring injury (sore shoulder, dodgy knee) and research an effective rehab routine now. Ideally, modify your routine to prevent it from happening again. Compromise by finding exercises that you enjoy and that you can still 100% push yourself, but reduce the risk. For example, you could do high-rep shoulder presses instead of heavy 2-3 rep sets. It’s just less likely to fk ur shoulders up.

MINDSET: You can’t focus on your work because your breaks are more interesting

I went out for dinner with my family & my younger sisters were playing mobile games on-and-off throughout the night.

Now, I used to do the same thing. That’s not what this is about.

BUT it brought up an interesting point to do with productivity and focus.

Obviously, we need breaks from work. Playing a mobile game is a pretty common one that I used to do ALL THE TIME.

Harmless right? Maybe. But probably not.

If you’re lacking motivation, or struggling with discipline to do the work you’re being paid to do, you need to make your breaks less entertaining.

How are you gonna be excited to work when your breaks are more dopamine-stimulating?

Your brain is simply willing you to get through the task so you can get the reward in the break (game).

The work should be the focus and you should be taking a break only so you can get back to the work, or to rest when you’re done for the day.

You do this by making the break more ‘boring’ than the work.

Not a bad place for a work break!

If you work a desk job, that probably means your breaks should involve silent meditation or even staring at a wall.

You can think it’s crazy talk but…

Actionable step: 

Stare at a wall for 5 minutes. Don’t speak or do anything else. You’re not wasting your time, you’re training your brain. Go do it. This is the easiest actionable step I’ve given so far.

P.S. I recently did this for an entire HOUR. I’ll be posting the video soon.

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MONEY: Solve bigger problems to make more money

I’ll try to avoid going too deep into politics, but the free market works because it’s all about solving problems.

You want an apple, but you don’t have one.

The apple farmer has an apple, but doesn’t have money.

You solve your problem of not having an apple by giving the farmer some money.


This is a super small problem, worth a few dollars.

Feeding you for life is a bigger problem. It’s probably worth hundreds of thousands of dollars.

If you could buy a lifetime supply of food for $50k today, that would be an awesome deal that solves a huge problem.

How about feeding the world forever?

Unfathomable problem worth trillions of dollars - no one’s solved it yet.

You make more money by solving bigger problems for people who have money to exchange for bigger solutions.

Got it?

I finally went to Helipad!

Actionable step:

What’s a massive problem you’d love to solve for the world? Perhaps it’s clean energy or food, like the above example. Break down the steps as much as possible and find one activity you can do TODAY, to solve a problem for someone else. Quick example - research for your parents how much it would cost for them to install solar panels on their house. It would take you 15 minutes and is one small step towards a big solution.

RELATIONSHIPS: Being present with your partner is more important than the time

You’re reading this because you’re ambitious and want more out of life.

A common problem you have, or will have, is a lack of time.

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